Gideon, Jael, Esther and Samson
Getting 3 kids to look at once is a challenge. We couldn't add Samson in this photo since he doesn't sit up yet. Mom and dad didn't want in these so it left just 3 of these cuties. But we did get some great photos of him too, posting them below. He's such a cutie! Well all 4 of them are! I'm a little bias as these 4 are my great nieces and nephews.
He's 3 months here. And growing fast! Pictures are so important because this first year goes by way too fast.
Family Heirlooms
Please bring your family heirlooms so if you have a special toy, blanket, whatever. This yellow blanket was made by his great great gramma. It makes this photo so precious! So my gramma made this blanket years ago. She has since passed but her memory lives on in all of us.
My favorite place to be! I love the outdoors and hope when people come here, they love it too! I love to see them explore and see the wildlife here. We usually ride the UTV around to look for bunnies, deer, and whatever else shows up. If time permits, I love getting out the bubbles. Kids smile so much better when they're having fun. That's the goal! Great smiles and fun memories.
Dress up day
Jael and Esther turned 2 right after these were taken that's why there's so many of the the girls. Momma wanted me to focus on them turning 2 and Samson turning 3 months. Gideon got in a bunch but his special photos will be next.
So I was told these two love to dress up. I think they could have stayed there for hours. Putting on shoes, jewelry, jumping on the bed, helping each other dress up. I loved it!
Twins have such a special bond and these 2 are no exception. Watching them interact was special. And they make the cutest faces so I took way to many pictures of them! Which I hear is my only compliant so far, "Sheri, there's too many to choose from!" I'm good with that complaint. I can relate, it was so hard to pick for this blog.